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This article is about how to spot a person who only loves you out of curiosity and here are some ways.
That isn’t to say that you’re meeting someone new and they start asking for intimate details about your life or the things you do, it’s also important to recognize when people will use information against you. This might be in the form of manipulation, withholding valuable information from someone out of spite, or using blackmail as a means to their own ends. It can happen between friends between parent and child, siblings etc., but it’s important not to confuse this for people who are genuinely interested in you. Cheap escorts in London always find people interested in them and for which reason all will never know. There’s a difference.
For many people it’s hard to be open and accepting and vulnerable and not worry about losing others. That’s why we resort to these tricks, these convoluted ways of manipulating the people around them so that they can feel comfortable enough to be open, but at the same time keep important drama in the dark so as not to worry about being caught.
You know how some people are just more sensitive than others? Well I have some advice for you: If you’re dealing with someone who only loves you out of curiosity, they will use this fact against you whenever they can.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that people who only love you out of curiosity are bad. In fact it’s a good thing because it means they see the real person in you and genuinely care for you, but there is a negative side to being so open and accepting in a relationship.
When a person only loves you out of curiosity they use information against you in order to control your actions in any way possible. They will find every way possible to take advantage of when they have your trust, when they know where you keep your keys and where your wallet is kept, when they know what safe words mean, etc.. They won’t hesitate to do these things because it doesn’t faze them at all.
They will lurk in the shadows, studying every possible weakness you have to exploit. That’s why it’s important to establish boundaries and build up a solid foundation that can’t be compromised or broken.
I’m going to start this off by talking about manipulation which is when someone uses another person in order to get what they want from them. Manipulation is a tricky thing because it’s hard to spot unless you know what you’re looking for.
Often times it’s subtle, you might notice that someone doesn’t want to take ‘no’ for an answer. Or they might just say, “I don’t know what I did to make you not like me anymore?” They will throw things at you like these to make you feel bad about yourself which is how they’ll gain your trust again. They will find the things that make them ‘special’ and throw them in your face until you cave in and give them what they want.
People who only love you out of curiosity are incapable of taking responsibility for their actions because it would mean admitting that they’re wrong which is something they can’t afford to do because then they aren’t special anymore.