Do you have a younger partner ow wife? I got married to one of the girls I used to date at London escorts. She is a lovely girl, and in general, we do have a good time together. However, I am not going to pretend that it is easy to be married to a younger person. There is a 25 year age difference in between us, and at the time we got married, I had not expected it to be a problem. However since then I have learned a lot, and it is not as easy to be married to a younger partner as you may think.
Just like anybody age in a marriage, it is clear that you are going to have different challenges, but age is a special challenge which can be tougher to deal with in a relationship. You need to be on the ball all of the time, and make sure that you pay attention to your partner’s need. At first I did not want my lovely girl from London escorts to work, but I soon realised that she was desperate to do something with her life. After all, I worked all day, and she needed to have an outlet. Now that she has found a job, I feel a lot better and she is happier as well.
When it comes down to hobbies, you do need to appreciate that you will have different hobbies. I love to play golf, but my wife does not feel that playing golf is the right sport for her. Instead she likes to spend time in the gym, and hang out with some of her friends from London escorts. The gym is fairly close by and she does like to make the most of it when she is not at work. It is not a problem for me, I am glad that she enjoys staying shape, and has a good time with her former colleagues from London escorts.
Shopping is one of my wife’s top hobbies. I had not realised that she was so independent as she is, but the truth is that she likes to spend her own money, and not mine. When she started to earn her own money, I was a little bit hurt that she did not want to spend mine. But then I realised that I was kind of lucky. There are plenty of guys my age who have married girls who are younger than they are, and ended up getting totally fleeced by them. That is not something that I think is going to happen to me at all.
My wife really enjoyed her career with London escorts, and I have been worried that she is going to go back to escorting in London. The other week when I was abroad on business, she did not answer her phone until late. She told me that she had been out with her friends from the escort agency in London and I actually thought that she meant that she had been out on dates. However, the truth was much more innocent than that. She had felt lonely in our big house, and just needed some company. Most young people are more social than older ones, and I guess that is just another thing that you need to bear in mind.